SolidSteel parametric for SOLIDWORKS
Faster learning and interactive exchange in version 6

With the new update to version 6.0, SolidSteel parametric for SOLIDWORKS has expanded its functionality and improved existing features.

At the heart of the new release is the new Drawing Assistant, which includes the ability to update existing shop drawings, as well as many other sophisticated and convenient features.

To make it easier for new users to get started, SolidSteel parametric now includes an interactive tutorial, the Introductory Assistant, to guide you through your first designs.

Look forward to an even higher level of software automation and time savings in your daily work!

These and other new features are detailed below.

Note: Please note that you will need to request new passwords to use the new version 6.0.0.
You can request these conveniently in the Klietsch PasswordCenter or from your local reseller.

New features in detail

Introductory Assistant

You don't need to know everything, as long as you know where to look. This is no different with SolidSteel parametric than with anything else.

With the new interactive Introductory Assistant, you no longer need to search YouTube and the like. The basic working methods, handling of profiles, components & connections and the subsequent processes are provided directly as a short course. Everything is integrated into the software to avoid jumping between programs.

The learning units are logically structured from the first start through design to completion. The introductory Assistant guides you step-by-step with direct feedback on your success and quickly prepares you for your daily work in structural steel design.

Quick start in SolidSteel parametric with the Introductory assistant

See the Introductory assistant in action in a short video (0:45 min.)

Drawing Assistant

Of course, SolidSteel parametric offers the ability to export sheet metal directly for machining, for example, and with the Productivity Package or installed DSTV Assistant this functionality can even be extended to export beams or entire assemblies in DSTV NC format.

However, even in the advanced 21st century, shop drawings are of immense importance and in many companies are the most important end product of design.

Reason enough to completely redesign the Drawing Assistant and add lots of new features!

The new Drawing Assistant was developed in collaboration with users to meet today's demands for flexible handling of shop drawings. The new features include:

Dedicated user interface for drawing creation

With the Drawing Assistant and the many new features, a new user interface has been developed that gives the user a direct overview of all parts, assemblies and their status in relation to drawings. For each part (whether it is a profile or a sheet), assembly or welded assembly, you can decide whether to create a new drawing, update an existing drawing, or not create a drawing.

Export SolidSteel parametric Parts and Assemblies

With the new SolidSteel parametric for SOLIDWORKS, Drawing Assistant, you can automatically create shop drawings of all parts and assemblies:

  • All profiles created with SolidSteel parametric

  • All sheets created with SolidSteel parametric

  • All sheets created with normal SOLIDWORKS functions, as long as the SolidSteel parametric part template was used and extruded in Z-direction

  • All welded assemblies created by SolidSteel parametric

  • All SolidSteel parametric main and sub-assemblies

Individual settings for each drawing

As described above, the new Drawing Assistant can be used to make individual choices about what to do with each part or assembly. For example, if a drawing has never been created for a part, the assistant will automatically suggest creating a new drawing. If a drawing of the component has already been found in the specified path, the Drawing Assistant suggests updating the existing drawing accordingly.
However, the user can review these suggestions at any time and change them to suit his or her needs.

In the new version 6.0.0 of SolidSteel parametric, the drawing template can also be selected individually for each part and assembly. For example, you can now place two different profiles on two different sheets.
This also makes it possible to manage different bill of material formats on assembly drawings and welded assembly drawings using different drawing templates.

Update function for existing drawings

In the default setting, all of the parts that are created by SolidSteel parametric for SOLIDWORKS are virtual components within the assembly. This means that there is no physical file in the computer's file system. By default, SOLIDWORKS cannot create a drawing of these virtual components.
As in the previous concept, a physical copy of the component is stored in the selected path in the computer's file system to create the drawing. This makes it possible to create drawings of virtual components within the assembly.
The new Drawing Assistant in SolidSteel parametric for SOLIDWORKS now includes the ability to update drawings after a change is made to the part.

When a drawing has already been created of an existing part, it is not uncommon for changes to be made to the dimensions placed by SolidSteel parametric, and for dimensions to be added or removed.
Custom labels or information such as weld symbols may also be added to the drawing. All of these changes are time consuming.
The new update feature in the Drawing Assistant preserves all the information in the drawing when it is modified later (e.g., a profile has become longer due to a parametric change). Only the dimensions affected by the change are updated. This means that even late design changes do not cause unnecessary work.

Bills of materials on assembly and welded assembly drawings

With the new version 6.0.0 of SolidSteel parametric for SOLIDWORKS, individual BOMs can now be placed on automatically created assembly drawings and welded assembly drawings without manual rework.
This information is part of the drawing template, allowing each user to manage multiple BOM formats and select the appropriate template for export as needed.

Choice between chain dimensioning and ordinate dimensioning

The type of dimensioning on drawings is very individual and depends on company standards, preferences or customer specifications. In SolidSteel parametric for SOLIDWORKS, you now have the option of choosing between chain dimensioning and ordinate dimensioning.
Depending on the project or similar, this setting can be changed from chain dimensioning to ordinate dimensioning or vice versa at any time in the SolidSteel parametric system settings.

Watch the video for an overview of the new Drawing Assistant


  • Profiles listed in the Diagnostics tab

  • ToDo entries possible from the Diagnostics tab

  • Editing profiles from the Diagnostics tab

ToDo Manager

  • Automatically load and update ToDos when opening an assembly

  • Temporary storage of ToDos when switching between assemblies

  • Multiple selection when deleting entries

PDM Equal part detection

  • After equal part detection, changes on the assembly are blocked


  • Changes to SDNF files are displayed in detail in the ToDo Manager when they are inserted into the design (can be enabled in the preferences)

  • The profile database has been updated with the following UK standards:

    • CHS, SHS und RHS – EN 10210

    • CHS, SHS und RHS – EN 10219

    • Flat Bar, Square Bar und Round Bar – EN 10025-2

Manual Bolting

  • Holes and bolted connections can be positioned using hole sketches

Miscellaneous and bugfixes


  • SDNF

    • Error during import fixed

  • Diagnostics

    • Errors in references scan for Custom Connections fixed

    • Errors in references of plates in pattern fixed

    • Errors in bolted joint scan fixed

    • Errors in reference scan of railing components fixed

    • Errors with facades in reference log

  • Railings

    • Increased stability of user-defined railings when deleting and modifying

  • ToDo-Manager

    • Errors with missing references fixed

  • Drawing Assistant

    • Bugfix for single round tubes in welded assembly

    • Bugfix for empty assemblies


  • Incorrect highlighting of profiles in welded assemblies fixed


  • Haunches

    • Error in thickness of chord plate fixed

  • Clip angle connection

    • Fixed errors during editing

      • Update the fasteners correctly

      • Display of coordinate system did not match the offset directions in the function

      • Parameter changes and offsets led to incorrect fasteners and error messages when rebuilding the holes

      • For connections without fasteners, screws were added and holes were deleted

    • Double clip angle connections

      • If the number of holes was reduced to 0, there were error messages when creating

    • Splice joint

      • Fixed bug with multiple individual hole patterns

    • Verschraubungen

      • Bugfix for delete bolting

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