BOM Assistant offers you parts list generation the way designers like it to be:
After just a few mouse clicks, BOM Assistant gives you the completed parts list, sorted on assemblies at choice, with subtotals and even with data from the Model Manager for each configuration.
In the 2D drawings you can directly process the parts list data from the 3D model, attach a position indicator and place the parts list on the drawing.
For further processing, BOM Assistant also provides all options. Transfer the parts list data to Model Manager, to BOM Editor, to any external systems or simply to Excel.
Because of the broad range of requirements for parts list systems, BOM Assistant offers a wealth of individual setting options. You decide the appearance of your parts list.
In a first step, it is determined which data is actually to be managed in the parts list. This can be manually entered data, such as e.g. a description text but also automatically determined data such as e.g. quantity or component dimensions. It is also possible to query data from Model Manager, e.g. item numbers. BOM Assistant can generally gather all data available in the system. With the help of special functions, data such as e.g. the coating surface of special sheets.
The look of the completed parts list is determined with the layouts; which column in which position, which column header, column width, etc. For Excel output, a function is activated according to the template created and linked with BOM Assistant.
Many of the configuration options can be set easily via convenient dialogs. There are additional further possibilities with the help of configuration files or programming adjustments. We offer parts list configuration within the scope of a service upon request.
The most important step during parts list generation is the allocation of item numbers and additional parts list attributes to parts and assemblies in the 3D model.
With manual positioning you can select a part or assembly and determine the part list attributes in a convenient dialog window. BOM Assistant automatically provides default values for item numbers. For the other parts list attributes, values are either determined automatically depending on the configuration or have to be entered manually.
The function positioning help ensures that all components with an item number are automatically hidden. You can detect the components still to be positioned at a glance and it is nearly impossible that components are forgotten.
An alternative to manual positioning is automatic positioning. For that you only have to define the assembly to be processed, a start item number and the increment step for the item numbers.
For a first check, BOM Assistant offers the option to have a list of all previously recorded components displayed with the associated parts list attributes. Item numbers and contents of editable fields can be revised directly in this list, if required.
BOM Assistant offers a number of output and data export options.
As standard and out of the box, parts lists can be output to the 2D drawings, with HTML format for output in a browser and as a text file (CSL) for data export. Each output is done in the pre-configured layouts and can be influenced with different parameters.
With the Excel interface, BOM Assistant offers the option to create parts lists precisely in the forms required by the customer. After the creation of a customer specific template, the parts list data is specifically written into the according Excel fields. The result – perfect parts list forms.
Customers with a Model Manager database installation frequently use a Model Manager - ERP interface for data exchange with an ERP system. Within the scope of project-related adjustment, BOM Assistant can pass parts list data to Model Manager for appropriate further processing.
Transmission of parts list data to BOM Editor is also possible with the help of the optional BOM2BOM. This makes sense if further processes are installed on BOM Editor or if pre-products are to be processed in BOM Editor with geometric information such as e.g. section length.