Steel design from A to Z is the motto of the new version 2.0 of SolidSteel parametric for SOLIDWORKS. With the new release you have the possibility to do all the processes of the steel design semi or full automatic.
SolidSteel parametric for SOLIDWORKS provides powerful and intelligent functions for steel design and makes your SOLIDWORKS faster and more efficient. The new version 2.0 comes with a huge number of improvements in the area of steelwork design. But furthermore from now on
follow-up processes like bills of material or the automatic creation of drawings will be supported.
automatic drawings
Often the real work begins once after the design process is finished. After the 3d design of all beams, sheet metals and connection parts normally a complex and mostly manual process must be started to create drawings of all parts
With the new version 2.0 SolidSteel parametric now provides an intelligent and automatic process for creating drawings. The intelligence is based on powerful internal algorithms checking automatically which views are needed, which kind of processes have been made and which useful dimensions should be integrated into the drawings.
more about automatic drawing creation
base plates with shear stub
The end plate functions of SolidSteel parametric for SOLIDWORKS have been completely redesigned. In this context a new function for base plates was developed. Now new possibilities are available, e.g. for placing the base plates with an optional shear stub. Of cause the base plates can be stored as user defined standards and can be reused later.