The priority of the 3D CAD data management increases in many companies. This data management is a centralized storage of all product and service information. It causes a continuous and most efficient management of product data. Tasks can be defined without any problem. Afterwards, they can be allocated automatically to intern or extern participants. The visual controlling of all operations in real time allows to reveal possible problems quickly – so they can be solved early.
Therefore, mistakes concerning double or incomplete data can be avoided, costs are reduced and the quality of products increases. Through efficient team work by several design engineers, the developing time of several products is reduced. Also, the data security increases.
A PLM-System (Product LifeCycle Managementsystem) can be connected by an intelligent connection to consisting PPS/ERP systems without changing all operational structures. Therefore, a product can be accompanied from the first idea to the production and sale. Possible mistakes are uncovered early and the time for developing a product is reduced.
The connection from PLM-systems with your PPS/ERP system is very individual – even by using very similar mechanisms for the data exchange. Almost every user has other requirements concerning the exchanged data as well as concerning the degree of automation. Our target is to reduce those requirements to a common denominator and to develop the perfect solution for you.
We are pleased to give you advice!