Connections EC

Calculate connections in steel design according to EuroCode and DIN 18800

Quick and easy dimensioning of connections

Dimensioning connections is a necessary but unpopular task for many structural engineers and designers, not only in steel design.

With the Connections EC software, the design of standard steel connections can be done in a very short time and with minimal effort. As a pleasant side effect, Connections EC not only saves tedious hard work, but also eliminates the risk of accidental errors that inevitably occur during manual processing.

Connections EC is standard-compliant.

Like all products in the Stahl 2000 range, Connections EC works according to standards. The calculation and dimensioning can be switched between the old DIN 18800 and the new EuroCode 3 standard at the click of a mouse.

Connections EC is a product of the STAHL 2000 series and is available both as a stand-alone program and as part of the Program Packages Hall and Static Analysis.

Calculate connections in seconds?

No problem with Connections EC !

How does it work? Quite simple!

Start the software, select the type of connection, enter a few basic data – done.

Output in auditable form!

As a result, you get a verifiable output of the complete calculation.

Verifications are performed according to the current EuroCode 3 standard by default, but can also be performed according to DIN 18800 upon request.

Extensive library with a wide range of connection types

The Connections EC software offers a large selection of different connection types typical for steel construction:

  • Tension rods as angles, double angles, flat bars, double flat bars, threaded rods and round bars.

  • Shear-loaded clip angle connections, optionally with 1 or 2 rows of bolts

  • Shear-loaded end plates of any size, optionally eccentrically connected

  • Welded connections for I-beams with bending moment, shear force and normal force

  • Plate connections with 1 or 2 rows of bolts

  • Gusset plate connections

All calculations can be performed according to EuroCode 3 or the old DIN 18800 standard!

Easy to use

Like all individual programs of the STAHL 2000 series, Connections EC is particularly intuitive and easy to use.

Select the tab with the required connection. In the tab itself you can specify the selected connection in more detail:

  • e.g. specify the load

  • select profiles and screws

  • and enter dimensions

Reach your goal fast:

All entries are limited to values describing the connection.

Connections EC determines all necessary coefficients, factors or other calculation parameters for you!

Clear results and versatile output

The standard output system of STAHL 2000 is used to output the results.
You can preview the output on the screen, display graphics (system, influence lines) and output to a printer, PDF or Word document.

Try now for free and without obligation!

Our solutions for structural analysis in steel construction are used thousands of times worldwide.

Convince yourself and test Symmetrical Hall Frame EC free of charge for 4 weeks!*

[ Test now ]

*No, there is no subscription trap hidden here. The trial will automatically end after 4 weeks.

STAHL2000 in action and in social media

Crane Girder EC

Structural analysis of a crane girder.

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Related Software

PTC Mathcad. An ideal tool.

With Mathcad you can easily create a calculation document with text, images and formulas. Similar to a text editor, but the formulas are automatically mathematically exact and the formula content is not just text, but variable values.

In our opinion, Mathcad is one of the most underrated programs and should not be missing in any engineering office!

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